Terms & Conditions

All bookings made for solo and group classes are final. When a place is reserved the advertised fee must be paid. No refunds can be offered for any places no longer wanted. In some instances, a place may be transferred to another class, but this is to the discretion of the management. Places cannot be transferred to other children.

Any late or unpaid fees will be subjected to additional interest, under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

Code of Conduct

Please read carefully.

  • ReAct uniform is required for all classes (not applicable to our 'In Schools' programmes). Once a new student has accepted a place, our ReAct uniform must be purchased and worn, (please visit www.reactacadey.co.uk/store for more information and to purchase).
  • Long hair must be tied up and out of the face for all classes.
  • Jewellery and watches are not permitted for health and safety reasons and should not be brought into lessons.
  • Eating is not allowed in the classroom / studio and only bottled water should be brought to lessons. Open cups will not be permitted in the studios.
  • Students must be on time for their lessons.
  • Parents / guardians are not permitted to enter the classroom / studio during lessons. Lessons are often about learning new skills and building confidence, and students may feel uncomfortable if they are aware of an ‘audience’. We will organise regular presentations, usually towards the end of each term to allow parents / guardians to see the work covered during the lessons.
  • We ask that all students waiting for their class to commence do so quietly and patiently in the designated area.
  • Lessons need to be paid for at the beginning of each new invoicing period and any absences, whether planned or unplanned will need to be paid for regardless. At ReAct we believe in the importance of keeping class sizes small to allow for more individual attention. It is therefore a requirement that every student pays for all lessons to ensure the place is held for them.
  • Examinations are available in all disciplines and will be offered to all students at certain times during the academic year. If students wish to be entered for examinations, the fees for the examinations must be paid by the due date. It is also vital that all lessons leading up to examinations are attended. We will not enter a student for an examination if we feel they are not properly prepared, even if the fee has been paid. It is also worth noting that examination fees are usually non-refundable. Once the examination is booked it is up to the discretion of the examination body as to whether refunds are permitted.
  • Students are required to inform the school if any lessons are going to be missed, for any reason.
  • If the student fails to attend lessons for three consecutive weeks without informing the school their place will automatically be opened to others. Fees cannot be refunded once paid.
  • The same rule applies to our productions; if a cast member fails to attend three consecutive rehearsals without clearing this with our creative team, their part will be recast for the benefit of the production.
  • All students and parents / guardians must clear away any litter they have in the bins provided and changing and toilet facilities must be kept clean and tidy.
  • Any students wishing to be considered for representation with ReAct Management will need to regularly attend for two full terms before an application can be considered.